Laser Hair Removal FAQ’s

  • A:’s not painful but you will feel heat from time to time or the sensation of a snap against your skin depending on the area. Most areas feel like a misting of water on your skin, and it actually hurts less than waxing/sugaring.

  • A: This all depends on the individual but on average 8-12 sessions are required. There are different factors to take into consideration that could cause need for more treatments such as hormones, heredity, underlying medical conditions and whether the sessions are being attended during the timeframes given.

  • A: Unfortunately no. This is due to the follicle being removed during sugaring/waxing treatments. In order for your laser treatment to be successful the hair follicles have to be present for the laser to target them. While getting laser hair removal the best option between treatments is to shave. After a few sessions shaving will be less needed as the hair will grow slower and finer.

  • A: You can definitely have the service and it will definitely work. Our machine works on ALL skin tones ... the NDYAG:1064 is specifically for darker tones so you will not get burnt and you will have beautiful results.

  • A: It honestly depends... dirty blonde to light brown will definitely work but white blonde will not. There has to be some pigment in the hair for the laser to detect it. Unsure? Come in and we can let you know if you would be a candidate. Generally light blonde, white and grey hairs cannot be treated.

  • A: This is an important step in your treatment as we are able to assess your skin/hair and provide a patch test to determine if laser hair removal is suitable for you. During this time we also give you all the relevant information you will need to make an informed decision as to whether laser is the right choice for you and answer any questions you may have.

  • A: This depends on the individual and their specific treatment but on average it is 4-6 weeks to start depending on the area.

    Face usually starts with every 4 weeks and extends to 6-8 weeks later in the treatment and body starts with 6 weeks and extends to 8-10 weeks later in the treatment. Throughout your treatment your Laser Specialist will advise you of your recommended return for your next session.

  • A: The reduction you obtain through Laser Hair Removal is permanent. Your hair and the amount you have will change dramatically. You will on average get an 80-90% reduction after completing your recommended treatment (8-12 sessions). The hair remaining is very light, fine, sparse and soft. Most find it to barely be noticable compared to how it was initially. Maintenance appointments are necessary 2-3 times per year to maintain your results and to further reduce the 10-20% of remaining hair.



Here are a few tips to follow to ensure you get the best results from your laser hair removal treatment.

  • Please make sure your skin is at its natural color.

  • NO sun exposure, tanning lotions, tanning beds, tanning sprays, and tanning solutions 2-4 weeks before and after your treatment.

  • NO Antibiotics, Iron Pills, Retin-A, Aspirin or any blood thinning medications 2 weeks prior to your treatment.

  • NO Accutane or immunosuppressants in the last 6 months. If you have taken (or are currently taking) these, or any other medications, please notify the studio immediately.

  • Treatment area(s) must be clean and free of: lotions, deodorant and ointments.

  • Shave 24-48 hours prior to your appointment.

  • AVOID sugaring/waxing, bleaching, tweezing, threading, Nair, etc. for 4 weeks prior to your appointment.

  • NO facial treatments, microdermabrasion, or chemical peels for at least 2 weeks before and after your laser treatment.